NB Miata project – Problems I’ve had during my first six months of ownership

In my last couple of posts I covered the performance and cosmetic modifications I have done to my NB Miata during my first six months of ownership. I was able to improve the experience of my car. Things like improving the exhaust and intake sound, along with changing the color of the car from silver to yellow using a wrap.

My Miata has been very reliable overall, but you can’t expect a 20+ year old car to be perfectly reliable. While none of my issues left me stranded, I thought I’d share them anyways. Some of them have been resolved, while others still need to be fixed. [Read More]

NB Miata project – Cosmetic modifications after six months

In my last post I covered the various performance modifications I have done to my NB Miata during my first six months of ownership. I didn’t do anything too crazy, but still managed to improve the experience of my car. Things like an exhaust and intake for sound, along with engine mounts, tires, and chassis bracing to improve the driving feel of the car.

This post covers NB Miata cosmetic mods that I have done to my car during the first six months of ownership. I explain what I did, why I did it, and what my experiences were with various different mods. [Read More]

NB Miata project – Performance modifications after six months

In my last post I covered my experiences looking for and purchasing my current project car, an NB Miata. I also covered preventative maintenance work to get the car up to a known reliable state so that I could move forward with other mods and really enjoying the car.

This post covers NB Miata performance mods that I have done to my car during the first six months of ownership. I explain what I did, why I did it, and what my experiences were with various different mods.

Full exhaust system

When I first got my Miata it had an engine code related to the post-cat O2 sensor. My car was originally a California car so it originally had two cat system. A pre-cat built into the exhaust manifold downpipe, and a secondary cat downstream from there. O2 sensors are placed before and after the pre-cat. The secondary O2 sensor is just for emissions, so it didn’t impact the use of the car. I still wanted to fix it, but wasn’t in a rush. [Read More]

NB Miata project – Purchasing a Mazda Miata

My last post covered my experiences with my first project car, a 1987 Honda Accord. At that end of that post I mentioned that I purchased a NB Miata to replace it. Today marks six months since purchasing my Miata so I thought I’d start a series covering my experiences owning it.

This is an introductory post where I cover what a Miata is, why I chose it, the original condition, and how I prepared the car for what was to come. I have several other posts that I’ll be publishing in the near future covering the first six months of ownership. [Read More]